About Me

About Me
I started writing songs while living in San Diego, CA. in the 1980s. Originally I'm from Gary, IN.
I'm not a wealthy person as some people may think talented musicians are. Trust me, many musicians still work regular day jobs. Even if they are signed to a record company, a lot of them get cut quickly when they don't pan out. Very, very few ever make it to the same income level of Pharrell, Drake, Katy Perry, John Legend, or Ed Sheeran.
I need your financial support for the songs I produce.
Like everyone, I got bills to pay and food to put on my table. I don’t ask too much for persons to buy my songs at 3 songs for $1.25
You help me greatly at paying my bills and hopefully to improve the quality of my music production which would get better and better so that I can maybe hire other singers to knock my songs out the ballpark.
You don't have to purchase my songs to support me. What you can do without doing that is to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. When I have over 1,100 subscribers on YouTube, YouTube will pay me for the advertisers ads that plays on my channel. SUBSCRIBE NOW.
What’s so wonderful about new music is that no matter how popular a major artist with a record company may be, my music product will always be something new and have something different to offer.
New music will always prevail because no one can live their whole life listening to the same songs over and over again.